AdvLion Dynamic Ad Material VCreative+

VCreative is our unique and patented technology. It generates personalized, brand-compliant real-time ads for each individual among the insights of 1.9 billion shoppers every month. AI-driven optimization and our talented creative consultants help you and your company deliver the most attractive ads to each shopper for maximum sales.

Truly personalized

Continuously deliver brand ads

Our creative consultants work closely with you to achieve your design goals. They will build your brand design framework, capturing all the elements needed for real-time ad generation, including colors, fonts, navigation, compelling language, etc.

Customize ad elements for each shopper with AI

Real-time Creative Optimization (RTCO) takes 120 milliseconds of shopper intent signals (such as viewed products and visited websites) and powerful predictive AI to select design elements for each ad from the framework in microseconds.

Attract more shoppers with relevant ads

Without size and layout restrictions, dynamically present personalized designs for any device and display inventory at the right time - maximizing shopper coverage and results.  

How to empower our products

AdvLion Dynamic Retargeting

DCO + powers our dynamic retargeting product by determining the appropriate ad design for each device, environment, and stage of the shopper's journey, maximizing the impact of video and display ads. .

AdvLion Brand Sponsorship Product

By informing the look and feel, as well as the locations that can most effectively increase clicks to retailer websites, DCO + allows AdvLion sponsors' products to deliver tailored ads to maximize brand revenue.

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